Jackson Hole Real Estate Facts

Who Was Jim Crow - Jackson Hole Real Estate Facts

Good morning. Today, I discovered Who Was Jim Crow - Jackson Hole Real Estate Facts. Which may be very helpful in my opinion and you. Jackson Hole Real Estate Facts

If you're concerned in acquiring a piece of Jackson Holes Real Estate, there are some things to know about this scenic part of the country. Between the spectacular, scenery, the world-class skiing and the local arts community, Teton valley real estate is prime for vacation homes or year-round residential living. A local Jackson hole real estate agent can give you the low-down on what's ready in terms of Jackson Hole homes for sale; in the meantime, here's some challenging facts about this unique area.

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Who Was Jim Crow

It's About The Skiing

Snow King, Jackson's primary hill, opened in the late 1930s. The Jackson Hole Ski Resort opened in 1966; placed about 12 miles away from the town of Jackson proper, it features one of the steepest vertical drops on the North American continent. Since then, some other excellent ski areas have opened in and nearby Jackson; it is one reason that many celebrities articulate Jackson Hole Wy homes.

Of course, the primary Jackson Hole Wy homes were the lodges of the Shoshoni, Crow, Blackfoot and Gros Ventre Indians who had lived in the area for hundreds of years. The first European to see Teton Valley real estate was John Colter, a member of the preeminent Lewis and Clark Expedition during the return trip in 1806 (neither Lewis nor Clark categorically came to the valley, however). Over the next some decades, the valley was frequented by mountain men whose names are legendary in the annals of the American West, including Jim Bridger and Jedidiah Smith. It was one of these early fur trappers, by the name of David Jackson.

The town of Jackson itself was incorporated in 1894; it is preeminent for having elected the first all-female city council in the U.S., not long before Nellie Taylor Ross became the the first woman governor. (It's worth noting that Wyoming granted women the right to vote over half a century before passage of the 19th Amendment, which is why it is officially known as the "Equality State.")

National Parks, challenging Arts

One reason that Jackson Valley real estate is so coveted is its nearnessy to Yellowstone National Park and its successful arts scene; the town is home to the National Museum of Wildlife Art as well as the Grand Teton Music Festival.

Not surprisingly, Jackson Hole homes for sale do not remain on the store for very long.

Are You Ready?

If you are inspecting the purchase of one of the many Jackson Holes homes for sale, you'll want to acquire the services of a local Jackson Hole real estate agent. What we've presented here is a broad overview of this unique and desirable community; however, a Jackson Hole real estate agent is closely customary with the day-to-day nature of the local real estate store and the subtle nuances that can enter into Jackson Hole real estate negotiations Between buyer and seller, and can help you in getting the best deal.

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